Hope For The Broken Hearted

*Murat follows Petra Media Group on instargram and one day he decided to write to us. In his message he said, “I follow your posts about life and they are very good. You are doing good work. Are you a life coach?“ Petra’s social media officer replied to his message thanking him. They then went on to explain how we were a radio ministry. As the conversation proceeded he opened up to us and explained his deepest sorrows in life. He had just faced a broken relationship and was now going through depression. We were thankful for his open heart and we told him that we can pray for him and Jesus Christ will bring peace to his life. He gladly accepted the offer. We then connected him to a brother from the same region. *Murat has connected with this believer, via a phone call, who then prayed and shared the good news with him. Later *Murat wrote to us saying that the telephone conversation made him feel better and thanked us. However, he is afraid to meet in person due to the pandemic. We pray that the Lord will water the seed that has been planted in *Murat‘s heart.

*name changed

Petra Media Group